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where we work

With a presence in every region, and through dozens of national Coalitions...
we coordinate the work of civil society fighting for justice through the Rome Statute system.

Knowledge of and support for the ICC varies across the world. But victims continues to demand accountability for grave crimes.

Our act we coordinate the work of civil society fighting for justice through the Rome Statute system to:

  • Increase ICC membership;

  • Promote national prosecutions of grave crimes;

  • Improve state cooperation with the ICC;

  • Mainstream accountability in regional bodies;

  • Build public support for justice and accountability.


African states and civil society were instrumental in pushing for the establishment of the ICC—support reflected in the large number of ICC member states and highly active civil society. With our local partners, we are working to ensure victims’ demands for justice are met in national courts and through the ICC.

key facts

30 icc member states
800 Coalition members
30 National Coalitions


With almost full ICC membership and a long history trying perpetrators of grave crimes domestically, Latin America brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and commitment to the global fight for justice.

key facts

28 ICC member states
300 Coalition members
14 National Coalitions

asia & the pacific

With a few ICC member states, the Asia-Pacific region lags behind in the fight for global justice. However an active civil society network is working to dispel myths about the impact of the ICC on state sovereignty and mainstream accountability throughout the region.

key facts

20 icc member states
300 Coalition members
14 National Coalitions


It is no coincidence that Europe, the continent whose wars gave rise to the idea of international justice, is among the best represented regions at the ICC. Yet much work remains to be done in advancing national laws to prosecute grave crimes. We also work in close collaboration with the European Union.

key facts

50 icc member states
300 Coalition members
14 National Coalitions

the middle east & north africa

The Middle East and North Africa is the most underrepresented region at the ICC. Given its turbulent political context and widespread abuses against civilians and others, it is vital that more countries in the region join the ICC system. Civil society in the region is working tirelessly to build awareness of the benefits for peace that ICC membership can bring.

key facts

3 ICC member states
200 Coalition members
11 National Coalitions