The ICC must be supported to develop as a fair, effective and independent Court with the best leaders, highest legal standards and sufficient resources to deliver meaningful justice to victims wherever they may be.

An evolving institution
As the most significant step towards ending impunity for grave crimes of
our times, the ICC needs to evolve into the global court the world demands of

The highest legal
The world’s highest criminal court, the ICC’s investigations, trials and
staff must embody the very highest legal standards.

The best
For effective and efficient justice, ICC member states must elect the
best leaders to the ICC and its governing body, the Assembly of States Parties.

sufficient budget
International justice costs a fraction of the
conflicts that make it necessary. Governments must give the ICC the
resources it needs to deliver justice that is meaningful for victims.

The ICC is located in The Hague far from many of the crime it
investigates. If justice is to bring about change, it must be made visible.

How the ICC works
tries individuals for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. It is
independent and impartial. Governments must opt-in to the Rome Statute system
and prosecute first if they can.

The role of civil society
Civil society was the
driving force behind the establishment of the ICC in 2002. It continues to work
for a stronger ICC.

Sexual and gender crimes
The scourge of sexual and gender-based crimes is found in conflicts the
world over. The ICC is leading efforts to stamp out it out.